Apr 1, 2014


Artery of taffeta
sapphire capillary
to swim to
Rapa Nui by way
of the music of

Story of melting stone
to the child sieve
just a meter
until the yellow sun
descends, a pious
pogrom, down
in the fronds
of the carpet

Mother shadows
nothing nightlike
We begin
ejected to the sea
Ships only bob
What we want:
the deep
the silent
the shifting waves
of origin
Deep undeep,
flesh slices through
the life, the Earth,
do you know
conglomerate mass, rituals,
the wounds of a thousand
caverns of yourself?
Would you know
these gods or demons
if you slept depth deaths
with them, ancient
following ancient,
what the machinery left,
a distant coma, transmuted.

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