Feb 16, 2007

A "mixed review" of my Night Season over at Galatea Resurrects 5. The review is reasonable enough; the parts that Manning objects to pretty much function as he says they do. I suppose the point of difference would be concerning the usefulness of those moments, which I would argue are useful. But of course I would think that since I wrote them!

Ultimately what anyone wants is their work to be read carefully, so hear hear.


Nicholas Manning said...

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your understanding reaction to what I tried to make a more or less understanding review.

I would love to hear your take on those moments which, though we might agree on their function, might disagree on their usefulness.

Anyway, here's to critical accountability!

Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...

Hah. I don't think "jeopardous" is a word.

Note that he is a professor of rhetoric.

Anyway, I think your poetry rocks my socks off.

Nicholas Manning said...

I'm not a professor of rhetoric, but a simple doctoral candidate in comparative literature.

But thanks for the ad hominem attack. Just because we have a slightly different opinion on Mark's book, which I did really appreciate by the way, which is in the review. Maybe you could have emailed me instead.

In any case, from the OED:

jeop·ard·ous –adjective
perilous; dangerous; hazardous; risky.

[Origin: 1425–75; late ME j(e)upartous, equiv. to j(e)upart(i) jeopardy + -ous -ous]