Mar 20, 2005

Talk softly, but carry a big stick. I've been tagged by Erica.

You're stuck inside Farenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
Hounds and Hunting Through the Ages by Joseph Thomas

Have you ever had a crush on a ficitonal character?
Anna Bloom from In the Country of Last Things by Paul Auster, the Milla Jovovich character in Resident Evil and the robot from Metropolis...

Last book you bought is:
The Crystal Text--Clark Coolidge (for me), Deleuze on Literature (for a gift).

Last book you read is:
Girls on the Run--John Ashbery

What are you currently reading?
Plato's Cratylus (for a class), N.E. Gordon's The Area of Sound Called the Subtone and my fucking French textbook for a test on Tuesday...

5 books I would take to a deserted island:
1. 100 Poems from the Chinese--Kenneth Rexroth
2. Collected Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
3. The Maximus Poems--Charles Olson
4. A Thousand Plateaus--Deleuze & Guattari
5. The Body: Photographs of the Human Form-- William A. Ewing

I guess I will tag: xtina (because it will piss her off), Geof, and Greg.

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