Mar 16, 2005

10 Texts

Because I love the herd, here is my list for the 10 reoccurring texts meme. Admittedly, some of these texts are only a few years old (most of the rest are much older, I guess that says something). Like Daniel Nester, I haven't allowed myself too much time to think about/tailor this. I didn't number the list, because the order is of no particular relevance.

* "A Rabbit as King of the Ghosts"--Wallace Stevens
* "Binsey Poplars"--Gerard Manley Hopkins
* "Quia Amore Langueo"--Anonymous, 15th cent.
* "City of Dreadful Night"--James Thomson
* "Dusk Raga"--Philip Nikolayev
* "Spacious"--Brenda Iijima
* "Les Chimeres"--Gerard de Nerval
* "Banquet at the Tso Family Manor"--Tu Fu, Trans. Kenneth Rexroth
* "The Gray Notebook"--Alexander Vvedensky, Trans. Matvei Yankelevich)
* "Falling Forward"--Sara Veglahn

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