May 13, 2004

Brown Bread in a Can

The Northeast's version of cornbread? Though I would not call it a staple, it did appear with alarming regularity in the cuisine of my childhood. Always in the company of frankfurters and beans. This was the meal that Dad made when Mom was not home to make dinner, which, come to think of it, did not happen that often. But I believe at times the entire family would partake of the trinity of earth-toned cylindrical foods. I have to admit that I will still, on occasion, whip up this combination for myself. Though generally speaking, it is mainly just in order to break out the bread in the can. I've had roommates, other New Englanders, who have found this concept of canned bread to be utterly alien and revolting. Perhaps it is a socioeconomic or hyper-regional (CT and MA exclusively) thing. Or maybe it's not regional at all. I'm interested if any of you out in blogland are familiar with the BBIaC, and if so what your specific recollections of it are.

The non-raisin'ed version of it seems to have all but disappeared, but one still seems to be able to get the B&M can o' bread with raisins. Generally speaking, I find the concept of the raisin (in this context, specifically) to be abhorrent. However, BBIaC with raisins is better than no BBIaC at all.

In an unholy union that would most likely cause distress to eaters of either of the discrete foodstuffs, I've found that BBIaC goes very well with goat cheese...

Someone once called my enthusiasm for BBIaC (and also for foods that are the wrong color (blood oranges, white peaches, white chocolate, yellow tomatoes, purple peppers, etc., etc.)) "perverted."

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