Jan 6, 2004

More Langpo Porno Spam

You know, this email does turn me on. But not in the way it's supposed to.

"From: "Jeremiad I. Dortmund"
Subject: wenlockian fame-thirsting deermouse

We have erotic footage of Jessica Simspon and her hubby from her newly weds series. Believe me when I say you must see this

Not now

caricaturisation credendum antineutron bitternut faradize decimal place band brake aedes boutique epiphytism baudekins diluvions cattle pump anticlimaxes arnatto death fire canvas maker colonnaded axiomatization's anteater earth chestnut assubjugate alternatives ypurinan wrestlers bank barn epiplastron eelshaped forksmith car mileage caesium clock cabin boy wildrick cosmonautically discussion flenches bangster fundraiser wagnerite crown daisy epigonation"

Eelshaped! Eelshaped!

I need to go clean up now...

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