Jan 30, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 3:00pm
Poetry in the Presence of Sculpture
Brenda Iijima, Jill Magi, Sawako Nakayasu and Srikanth Reddy share work that
resonates with the renowned Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988)
in the exquisite museum and rock garden dedicated to his art.
Co-sponsored by The Noguchi Museum.
@ The Noguchi Museum
9-01 33 rd Road at Vernon Blvd., Long Island City
(N to Broadway in Queens, walk west on Broadway to Vernon Blvd.
For information about shuttle buses to the Museum, visit www.noguchi.org)
$10, $5 for seniors and students, Free to Poets House & Noguchi Museum Members
Jan 28, 2007
"Tucked in the folds of numerous fugitive, finely construed, delicately manifested chapbooks of Mark’s are soulful immediacies emitted in a syntactic stream of synestetic particulars. The largess of dreams is shattered and shattered again into pressurized miniatures of detail where desiccation and nostalgia meet. Pressures and stresses are psychic. Swirling and careening between planetary cycles, somewheres hover. Mark’s lyric is crowded with the delicate filaments of ghosts, monsters, spirits, mythology, stuff of existence, banal trinkets, detritus and the numina inhabiting the objectified world of these visionary subjects. Planetary cycles and desire pull these details into focus, suture the traces, suspend animation—there is a tug between the ethereal and the terrestrial. This is a revenant’s teleology, a kind of doctrine that tells us phenomena are guided not only by mechanical forces but that they also move toward certain goals of self realization—there are vibes. Each utterance of Mark's is a divining voice. Where is water, where are the gods, what is war, and love’s necessities? Each calibration is a tension aligning beauty and the psyche. This, from his poem Spica.
“A matter of elephantine
significance lumbers
through the flax, its huge
knees, tedious effluvium:
the egg-timer of the sky
ripostes: purple flashes
in the middle places,
invigored motes goad
the flapping field:
the rocks are alive
Do you hear me?
the rocks are alive.”
Jan 27, 2007
On the positive side, I can finally update my links.
Jan 26, 2007
Now the wine tastes like melted ice
Winnowing. The night. Split. Like an orange.
Teleological blunderbuss
Take the train into the wide mouth
Liminal door goldfish brain
Aporetic nave, intercapillary umbilical
Sponge-mouthed & needing
A forest of sutures adopts a stance like
Necromancy romantic, thin blue lips
Rock candy cage, splinters
Furrowed broken shattered trussed
This is empty like the air around a ship
Don’t speak
Laburnum walk ghost break
This is the unending end
Doffed & quartered & shunt
The tidemark of the blood
Sugar rain spilled into the inkpot
A copper plain marred by speech
Go into the somber maze
We were all dying for a crack
There was no place, it was said
Jan 25, 2007
Jan 24, 2007
I am hoping you can take a moment and list any ekphrastic poems you can think of and backchannel to mark_lamoureux@yahoo.com with the subject heading "Ekphrastic Poems." The only criteria are that the poet be one who has published in the 20th or 21st centuries. I am limiting the scope to published poems in an attempt to control the size of the project a little bit.
I am hoping to display the poem side-by-side with the image (or an image of the work in the case of sculpture) that the poem is about; so the poems should be about works of art that I could hypothetically obtain an image of.
Jan 18, 2007
Jan 10, 2007
Speaking of reviews, I need reviewers and reviews for Boog City. Backchannel me if you are interested in reviewing something or you have a review to proffer. Generally speaking I only run reviews of chapbooks and/or "larger" books from small presses, but if you have a review of something 'mainstream' you are dying to see in print I could be persuaded if it is a good book or a good review (good reviews of bad books are fine, bad reviews of good books-not so much.) I have plenty of review copies to offer.
Jan 9, 2007
Frank Sherlock & Mark Lamoureux
Saturday, January 13th, 4-6 PM (please be punctual--we are starting on time!)
Segue Reading Series at The Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery, just north of Houston
New York, New York
Frank Sherlock is the author of Spring Diet of Flowers at Night, ISO, and 13, and has engaged in collaborative projects with CA Conrad, Jennifer Coleman and sound artist/DJ Alex Welsh. He is a contributing editor for XConnect: Writers for the Information Age.
Mark Lamoureux's first full-length book of poems, Astrometry Organon, is due out from Spuyten Duyvil/Meeting Eyes Bindery in early 2007. He is the editor of Cy Gist Press, a micropress focusing on ekphrastic poetry, and teaches English at Kingsborough Community College.
curated by Brenda Iijima & Evelyn Reilly
Jan 5, 2007
As befits the birthplace of a civilization, Greece was beautiful and friendly. A place so old it is young again, the way an old human becomes an infant. No drastic catharsis as expected, but rather a place of subtleties--as in the way the innumerable mountains give way to horizons in gradated hues of blue or green depending on the weather. A city-dweller dropped in an always distant skyline--even at the pinnacle of the metropolis--gives way to a new perception of phenonmena and noumena--one's buglike blip on the long curve of the land and the vast expanse of everything after. A funeral stele persists in a museum--etched lists of names pawed at by scholars. Posterity is never what you think it will be. Even after gods die, it is their temples that remain, so it is with humans. A tiny candle burning in the roadside shrine in the hearty winds--somebody had to light it--someone keeps it burning. The boughs of xenia shade even the Ugly American while not so far away we enact televised murder. The man on the beach says Sophocles knew how things were always worse for the victor. "You don't look like an American" = "You don't seem so bad." Sour-faced guards at the Homeland Security checkpoint upon return remind me again that we're the Bad Guys now. Emblems & drastically enacted policies--rules, rules, rules. Immaculate smooth-stoned squares indicate it's not rules but people that pick up the trash. Further proof we are clots of rules and desires and not people. Nobody's trash blowing in tiny cyclones along the avenue.
If you happen to be interested, the inordinate amount of photos I took can be found here.
Happy New Year everyone.