Also, went to see The Grudge 2 yesterday, which was a thoroughly forgettable horror film; except for one line that I found to be *hillarious*:
"I have a friend who's really into Folklore, maybe he can help us."
Not sure why I find that so funny, also funny was the fact that said friend was this dishevelled chain-smoking guy with lots of books (the source of the humor probably being that I am into folklore and was once a chain-smoking guy with lots of books, e.g. I quit smoking but I still have lots of books...)
More importantly, in the previews before the film was the preview for the Ghost Rider film starring Nicholas Cage. Over the summer my friend Jon from grammar school told me they were making a Ghost Rider film starring Nicholas Cage and I said "No way, that has to be some kind of urban myth." But I stand corrected and I CAN'T WAIT!
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