Aug 19, 2003


Floodlamp boxes ensconced
by blurred glass
& lit glyphs

on the stone ribbon
to Charles/MGH:
city turns to mulch
bruised papaya
in a shark's mouth &
the holy charge
rides the rails / not blacked
out this dreaming East & the
gleaming mean climbs
the Pru: Bing-o-Reno
on Olmec scale

No words for the speech in
the light as it falls on you

a cocoon in the cavern of a mouth
throw silk ropes across
the chasm

balance a turbine there
the wing of a plane / absurd

how the wind holds metal up
the spark that moves the last
train under Mass Ave.
NO SERVICE: sutures of fire
keep my legs under me
swamp-light mist summer's ending above
ground I forget
which way to turn the trains
stop moving while you sleep

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