May 8, 2007


Things should be getting back to "normal" around here, now that I am done with school-type stuff and approaching a lull in the teaching semester for a little while. Which means I have a little bit more time to do things like actually go to readings and to post here. The former I am really looking forward to, the latter I approach with some ambivalence. I haven't really been enjoying the blogosphere all that much lately--at the risk of joining the chorus of "it's not like it was back in the day"-sayers, I do have to admit that the landscape and climate are not much like they were back when I started this in 2003. Regardless, I don't see the need for any kind of self-immolation and subsequent resurrection or dramatic suspension of operations here. However, I am at a loss as to what, exactly, to do with this space these days apart from using it as a kind of egocentric bulletin-board.

Now that I am left to my own devices, I will have a chance to catch up on my babelesque "to-read" pile, so perhaps I will post my impressions (not reviews, mind you, impresions) here. The summer bounty of the Dusie chapbook exchange booty has begun to show up, ever-so-slightly mangled, in my mailbox (Dusie folks (or anyone else, for that matter)--please write "DO NOT BEND" on the envelope of anything you send to me. The troglodyte who delivers our mail has the habit of snapping Netflix disks and everything else in half to fit them in our tiny box), so I guess I can also document those here. And the occasional polemic, lest I start getting invited to parties again.


Matina L. Stamatakis said...

Bending is a must (for the Dusie chap, that is). I cut down a heap of defenseless trees, and now feel utter remorse. How does one cope with the loss?

Mark Lamoureux said...

I guess you just have to write works of such profundity that any tree would gladly lay down its life to be the vehicle of your words.

Alternately, send seeds with the chapooks.

Plant seeds, that is.