Apr 7, 2005

If you happen to be in Ithaca this weekend, come check this out:

Ann Buechner and Mark Lamoureux
Saturday, April 9
7 pm.

Ann Buechner was born in South Korea and grew up in Madison, WI. She is a recent graduate of the MFA program at Cornell and continues to tinker with her thesis project (provisionally titled School for Girls).

Mark Lamoureux is a poet from Allston, Massachusetts. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in print in Fence, The Denver Quarterly, LIT, Jubilat, Lungfull!, 6x6, Art New England, Carve and others. His most recent chapbook, 29 Cheeseburgers, was released by Boston's Pressed Wafer in the winter of 2004. A previous chapbook, City/Temple was published by Ugly Duckling Presse in the Fall of 2003. Other publications include: a translation of the French poet Gerard de Nerval in Circumference, and an essay enititled "8-bit Primitive: Homage to the Atari 2600," appeared in the anthology Gamers, by Soft Skull Press. He is managing editor of Fulcrum Annual.

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