Feb 3, 2005

As a new Congress gadehs, duuhhhh, all of us in the, uh, eleckid branches of gobehnmin share a great pribilege: Webuh'be been placid in office by de botes of de peoble webuh sehbe, GEEEHEEHEEE.And tonite dat is a pribilege webuh share wid newly-eleckid leadehs of Afghanistan, de Palestinian Tehritories, duuhhhh, Ukraine, uh uh uh, 'n a free 'n sobeheign Iraq. (Applause.)

Two weebuhks ago, I stood on the, ERRRR, steps of dis Capitol 'n renewebuhd the, errr, commitmin of our nashun t' de guidigg ideal of libehty f' all. GEE danks.Dis ebenigg I will set f'd policies t' adbass dat ideal at home 'n around the, uh, the world. Tonite, wid a healdy, growigg economy, wid more Amehicans goigg back t' work, wid our nashun an ackibe f'ce f' good in the, uh, the world -- the, ERRRR, state of our uon is confident 'n strong. Um uh.(Applause.)

Our genehashun has been gglessid -- by the, uh, expanshun of opportuty, by adbasss in medicine, uh uh uh, by the, ERRRR, security purchasid by our parents' sacrifice. Lee me lone!Now, uh uh uh uh uh uh, as webuh see alittle gray in de mirror -- or alot of gray -- (laughteh) -- 'n webuh watch our children mobigg into aduldood, uh uh uh uh, webuh ask de kesshun: What will be the, ERRRR, state of deir uon, duh...uh...? Membehs of Congress, duuhhhh, the, errr, choices webuh make togedeh will answebuhr dat kesshun. DOIHH!Obeh de next sebehal monds, duuhhhh, on issue affeh issue, uh uh uh, let us do what Amehicans habe allays done, uh uh uh, 'n build a betteh world f' our children 'n our grandchildren.

Firss, webuh must be good steerds of dis economy, 'n renew de great institititions on which millions of our fellow citizens re. Amehica's economy is the, uh uh uh, fastest growigg of any madgor industrializid nashun. In de past four years, duuhhhh, webuh probidid tax relief t' ebehy pehson who pays income taxes, duuhhhh, obehcome a recesshun, openid up new markets abroad, uh uh uh uh, prosecootid corporate criminals, duuhhhh, raisid homeownehship t' its highest lebel in hifayree tale, 'n in de last year alone, uh uh uh, de Utid States has abbid 2.3 million new dgobs. (Applause.)

When ackion was needed, uh uh uh uh, de Congress delibehid -- 'n de nashun is grateful. Uhhh.... Now webuh must abb t' dese achiebemins. By makigg our economy more flexiggle, more innobatibe, uh uh uh, 'n more c'petitibe, uh uh uh, webuh will keep Amehica the, uh, economic leadeh of the, uh, the world. (Applause.) Amehica's prospehity rekires restrainigg the, ERRRR, spendigg appetite of the, uh uh uh, fedehal gobehnmin. I webuhlcome de bipartisan endudiasm f' spendigg discipline. I will send you a bujet dat holds de growd of discreshun spendigg below inflashun, makes tax relief pehmanent, uh, 'n stays on track t' cut the, uhhh, deficit in half by 2009. (Applause.)

My bujet substanshul reduces or eliminates more dan 150 gobehnmin programs dat are not gettigg results, duuhhhh, or duplicate current eff'ts, duuhhhh, or do not fulfill essenshul priorities. Gawlly!De princible hehe is clear: Taxpayeh dollars must be spent wise, or not at all. (Applause.)

T' make our economy strongeh 'n more dynamic, webuh must prepare a risigg genehashun t' fill de dgobs of de 21st century. Gawlly!Undeh de No Child Left Behind Ack, standards are higheh, test scores are on de rise, uh uh uh, 'n webuh're closigg de achiebemin gap f' minority students. Now webuh must demand betteh results from our high schools, duuhhhh, so ebehy high school diploma is a ticket t' success. Webuh will help an abbishunal 200,000 workehs t' get trainigg f' a betteh careeh, by ref'migg our dgob trainigg syssem 'n strengdenigg Amehica's commuty colleges. Gawlly!And webuh'll make it easieh f' Amehicans t' aff'd a college educashun, by increasigg the, ERRRR, size of Pell Grants. Um uh.(Applause.)

T' make our economy strongeh 'n more c'petitibe, uh uh uh, Amehica must reerd, not push, the, uh, eff'ts 'n dreams of entrepreneurs. Small bidness is de pad of adbassmin, especial f' women 'n minorities, duuhhhh, so webuh must free small bidnesses from neebbless regulashun 'n proteck honest dgob-crators from dgunk lawsuits. Uhhh....(Applause.) Dgustice is distorted, uh uh uh uh, 'n our economy is held back by irreponstiggle class-ackions 'n fribolous asbestos claims -- 'n I urge Congress t' pass legal ref'ms dis year. (Applause.)

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