So you've lost your job copyediting foreclosure notices for Gog, Magog & Scumbag LLP, Tiny Tim needs braces, the student loan company is threatening to break your Grandma's legs, you've been drinking American beer & now you just don't know what you're going to do about the "Holidays." Well don't fret, friend, Cy Gist Press feels your pain & is offering you the chance to purchase all of the currently in-print CGP titles (that's: to know this, Off the Beaten Trakl, Berlin Poems, Gingerbread, The Love of Freak Milways & Tango Wax, Looking for Lake Texcoco, Gary Gygax, Dead-Eye Spring, Daybook of Perversities and Main Events, Vorticells and The Humble Travelogues of Mr. Ian Worthington) for just $30 plus $5 shipping and handling. That's less than $3 a chapbook. Even if you already have a few, give the extras away to your friends and relatives for your Culturally Appropriate Winter Holiday--chances are a Cy Gist Press chapbook will be more interesting than whatever other garbage you were planning on getting them!
While supplies last!