Jan 21, 2009

I Will Read Better than Elizabeth Alexander & Won't Even Mention God Once

The Last Inaugural Ball - Lamoureux & Peterson @OUtposT 186 Saturday 1/24/09 3 PM

You see it don't you? Feel it? It's all different now. And you might be pooped out by all your inaugural ballin'. But, there's one more. Mark Lamoureux and Katie Peterson are change we can believe in. And in the spirit of change, get affiliated with the Unaffiliated Reading series as we add a venue to our list. The poets will trade off wearing Aretha Franklin's hat. Light refreshments will help us usher in Change.

OutPost 186

1861/2 Hampshire St. Cambridge, Ma

3 (III) Three PM


Mark Lamoureux lives in Astoria, NY. His first full-length collection, Astrometry Orgonon was published by BlazeVOX books in 2008. He is the author of 5 chapbooks: Poem Stripped of Artifice (winner of the New School 2007 Chapbooks Contest), Traceland, 29 Cheeseburgers, Film Poems and City/Temple. His work has been published in print and online in Fence, Mustachioed, miPoesias, Jubilat, Denver Quarterly, Conduit, Lungfull!, Carve Poems, Coconut, GutCult and many others. In 2006 he started Cy Gist Press, a micropress focusing on ekphrastic poetry. He is Reviews Editor for Boog City, a Manhattan-based literary paper, and teaches composition in the CUNY system.

Katie Peterson was born in California and is the author of This One Tree, a book of poems published by New Issues in 2006. She teaches poetry and the humanities at Deep Springs College in California.