Sep 30, 2004

Anybody want to drive me to Amherst tomorrow night?

Sep 28, 2004

New Frontiers in Egomania

As befits my obsession with preserving every single mark on paper I've ever made (Is it any wonder my girlfriend is an archivist?), when I was visiting my Mom in CT back in August I unearthed a big stash of comics that I had drawn when I was about 10 or 11 or so. I know how much you all love comics, so... I made a blog to house the comics. There are a TON of them, so I'll be posting them periodically grouped by various themes, along with transcriptions as at 10 years old I could neither draw nor spell.

I know this is of paramount interest to all of you so go on over to I HAVE TWICE YOUR POWER and look into my 10-year-old was a pretty scary place...

Whoop, There It Is

Buy It!!!

See Dad, all those hours playing Atari were good for something.

Now if I can just write something about 70s Anime, all of my geekery will be backed up by legitimate scholarship...

Sep 27, 2004

"You got to be able to speak clearly in order to make this world a more peaceful place," Bush said. "

Somebody should learn him some English and some foreign policy...

Sep 24, 2004

So I hope to see you NYC people at the Fulcrum 3 release reading at the KGB on Saturday (tomorrow) at 6:00 PM. Following the reading, I'm planning on heading over to the BPC to see the astonishing Kid Beyond and apparently several other beat-boxes.

(Attempting to preface human beat-boxes is probably a bad idea, but what can you do...)

If only it were the last Fulcrum reading at the KGB which featured Billy Collins, whose beat-boxing skills are well known as is his proficiency with kung-fu, utilizing his prehensile tail and his natural abilities as a citizen of Krypton.

Sep 22, 2004

Say hello to my old pal Cheryl Clark.

Sep 21, 2004

OK, I lied, I will post something singular and interesting tomorrow.
Go, Kofi!
Golden Oreos contain all of that great Vienna Finger taste without that peculiar Vienna Finger shape.

Though I am uncertain as to how they differ from the white Hyrdrox.

These are the important questions of the day.

I promise to post something interesting, or at least singular, this evening...

Sep 20, 2004

I have been slacking on the blog a bit. It has been a busy couple of weeks. Some new projects in the works, however, and I will resume regular blogging as soon as I have something to say besides, "Boy am I busy"...

Sep 15, 2004

Celebrating the publication of Fulcrum 3

Sat. Sept. 25 at 6-9 p.m.
KGB Bar, 85 East 4th St (betw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.), NYC
Landis Everson, Glyn Maxwell, Katia Kapovich, Ben Mazer,
Philip Nikolayev, Mark Lamoureux, John Hennessy

Landis Everson was an inner member of the Berkeley
Renaissance of the late 1940s, the fourth intimate of the
famed Spicer-Duncan-Blaser circle. To Jack Spicer he was a
myth and a god. To Robert Duncan he was the Poet King. John
Ashbery admired his poetry in New York in the early 1950s,
and published selections in Locus Solus in 1962 (Everson's
last appearance in print until now!). In 1960 Everson
participated in a pivotal three-person weekly Sunday poetry
group with Spicer and Blaser in San Francisco. While Spicer
was writing Homage to Creeley, Everson was composing Postcard
from Eden and The Little Ghosts I Played With, two great
sequences which now appear in print for the first time in
Fulcrum 3, in The Berkeley Renaissance, edited by Ben Mazer.
Fulcrum is proud to present Landis Everson's first public
appearances in over forty years.

John Hennessy's poems have recently appeared or are
forthcoming in Fulcrum, The Sewanee Review, Salt, The Yale
Review, LIT, and Ontario Review. He teaches at UMass Amherst.

Katia Kapovich's collection of English language poetry is
Gogol in Rome (Salt, 2004). She is also a well-known Russian

Mark Lamoureux's chapbooks are CITY/TEMPLE (Ugly Ducking
Presse, 2003) and 29 CHEESEBURGERS (Pressed Wafer, 2004).

Glyn Maxwell, born in Hertfordshire, England, now lives in NY
City. His several books of poetry include The Breakage and
The Nerve (both Houghton Mifflin). He is the poetry editor of
The New Republic and teaches at Princeton and Columbia.

Ben Mazer's chapbook selection of poetry, with cover art by
Mary Fabilli, is forthcoming from Fulcrum this fall. He is
the editor of The Berkeley Renaissance (Fulcrum, 2004) and
The Collected Poems of John Crowe Ransom (Handsel, 2005).

Philip Nikolayev's latest book of poetry is Monkey Time, 2001
Verse Prize winner. His new collection is forthcoming from

Fulcrum: an annual of poetry and aesthetics, Number Three,
2004, edited by Philip Nikolayev and Katia Kapovich.

510 pp., perfectbound
Publication date: September 21


An Anthology of the Berkeley Renaissance, edited by Ben
Mazer, featuring work by Mary Fabilli, Jack Spicer, Robin
Blaser, Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, Landis Everson, plus
artwork & photos

We Who Live in Darkness: Poems from New Zealand by 21 Leading
Poets, edited by Gregory O'Brien

Fulcrum Debate: Joan Houlihan and Chris Stroffolino

Artwork by Konstantin Simun

CONTRIBUTIONS by Bill Berkson, David Baratier, Alison
Croggon, Fred D'Aguiar, Arjen Duinker, Michael Farrell, Annie
Finch, Edwin Frank, Peter Gizzi, Joe Green, Jeffrey Harrison,
John Hennessy, Bruce Holsapple, Joan Houlihan, Coral Hull,
Kabir, David Kennedy, John Kinsella, Mark Lamoureux, Glyn
Maxwell, Ben Mazer, Andrew McCord, Richard McKane, Ange
Mlinko, Richard Murphy, Vivek Narayanan, Gregory O'Brien, Fan
Ogilvie, Simon Perchik, Mai Van Phan, Peter Richards, Michael
Rothenberg, Tomaz Salamun, Don Share, Chris Stroffolino, Jeet
Thayil, Mark Weiss, Harriet Zinnes, and many others.

SUBSCRIPTION rates in the US are $15 per issue for
individuals, $30 for institutions. Iternational subscriptions
are $20 and $40 per issue, respectively. Send check or money
order drawn in US currency and payable to Fulcrum Annual to
Fulcrum, 334 Harvard Street, Suite D-2, Cambridge, MA 02139.

PREORDER Fulcrum 3 now! Fulcrum 2 sold out in 2 months and is
reviewed in Jacket at


Sep 9, 2004

With the looming Monkey Awards, now is probably not the time to post a moronic quiz.

Though this blog has been moronic quiz free for many months. And I kind of like this one. Blame it on Tieger....

you are Captain Beefheart!
Captain Beefheart... you are one of the first
modern fucked-up geniuses. When it comes to
creating, you rank right up there with the
likes of James Mangan, John Wilmot and Edvard

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Balagan Experimental Film Program starts tonight at the Coolidge Corner Theater in Boston:

Thursday, September 9, 7:30PM
Balagan starts its season with a program of recent shorts from the local filmmakers:
New England Beat (
Among the artists featured are: Robert Todd, Alfred Guzzetti, Bob Harris, Saul Levine, Nancy Andrews, Ann Steuernagel, Alice Cox.

We will program 10 shows for this season (
Among the programs are: Echoes from the Flaherty Seminar - in person ? Margarita DeLaVega, the executive director of the Flaherty Seminar (September 23 , 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM); Filmmakers from the West Coast: Matt McCormick - in person (October 14 , 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM), Bushwacked II (October 28, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM), Balagan collaborates with Boston Jewish Film Festival (November 11, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM) and others.

The BIG BALAGAN of the season (October 20 and 21) will host two lecture/screenings with Peter Kubelka and we are honored to welcome Peter in person. Please, save those two dates to meet this legendary filmmaker, film theorist and curator who will come to Boston from Austria to share his films and thoughts about film medium. For more information about this program, please visit the website.

Sep 8, 2004

Feeling lucky tonight, for friends, for stability in romantic matters, for art on the walls, for my books and relative success.

Viewed from a certain angle, the Sword of Damocles disappears...

Summer ending as a life does, those
invisible stars sputter & deign to fall
like metal balls into a wooden maze,
the angel rotor of amassing hours
swirling stolid firmament like the glowing loci
of a ferris-wheel, no recourse but
to cement the spine to the world's rough
skin, its gloss as even grapes fall
from the arbor. Every bright, every dark
thing must go this way, every vessicle
aswell for the turning year, the falling
sky, the silver pupa of a sleeping bag
oceanside as the steam of mussels at last,
alas, alights for good: the sun, bastard,
growing wan, the land seeping toward
those countries of night: black Saturn
bower of the lady abhorrent:

Tho you, hero, stuck fast to the glue
that holds the whole welter together:
no firebringer or mere mellifluous
surfer, you compass-needle, bion-
rider--every verebra aglint with Elmo's
fire, cavern-lighter, you holy naked
infant smiting binaries weak as
fruit, no god or no rigid mortal:
spasm-ghost, you are meat, a damp wind,
an electric worm who crawls along
the curves of god's old name.

Sep 4, 2004

I should mention that the thinking of Wilhelm Reich has influenced the poems of late.

Sep 3, 2004

I swear I am working on something for the tag poems, I have been delayed by computer shenanigans...

Sep 1, 2004

Best of luck to all the readers at the various Poets Against the War and DEMO readings tonight, wish I could be there.

But given that BOTH, yes BOTH of my Macs are out of comission and need to be repaired, I don't think I'm going to be doing any extraneous travelling anytime soon...